Ok this is something everyone may be interested in. Have you ever downloaded a file that didn't work? Then you tried to message the person you got it from and got the response message not allowed due to privacy settings? Check out www.mediaforce.com they are one of the groups on the networks spreading fake files and monitoring what you are sharing. I've done a little bit of research and I've noticed one of the things the distributors of fake files may have in \common. When you browse someone always click on "show full paths" if the drive you are pulling the fake file off of is D:\ and they don't show a C:\ drive then you're probably wasting your time. It's usually not just a backup. I may be wrong but I have noticed that everytime I've browsed and seen a "D" drive they can't recieve messages and they always have files that I know are fake. Also mediaforce checks the networks every fifteen minutes and if you are sharing something belonging to a client of theirs then they randomly pick someone and send a message to their ISP causing them to be cut off from the internet. So be warned that your privacy is not private and they are and will be watching you. They can get your ip, and the name of your ISP, and your connection will be cut off! This is not propaganda, we have maybe a year before they start really cracking down on everyone for file sharing. They're working on laws to stop it already and it won't be long before the big record companies are hacking into your system and there will be nothing you can do even if you are innocent because it will be perfectly legal. Just keep your eyes open and spread the word cause if we don't figure out how to beat them now how will we ever catch up later?